
Congratulations! You found the easter egg.

You are cool. :-) 



FAQs (Well, 'frequently' may be overstating just a bit...)

Bright logo! What does it mean?

The three big circles are cyan, magenta and yellow.  Along with the black triangle in the center, they represent CMYK, the four colors of print. 
The three wedges in the overlaps are red, green and blue (RGB), the colors
of the web.  I also have an affection for the number three... perfect.   :-)


What's the strangest request you've ever gotten?

"Can you fix my... uhhh... chest?"  Photo edits are standard fare, but not requests for electronic breast augmentation!  A client wasn't satisfied with a photo that was to be included in a brochure, so I gave her a mini-lift.  (I did also give another client more hair, but he didn't ask.  ;-)


Do you have any deep, dark design secrets?

I can't draw.  Openly admit to that one.  I don't always openly admit to being a Windows/PC girl, though.  Apple people can be a tad snarky!


Are those your hands on the Contact page?

No.  But that is my head on the Welcome and Who+What pages. 


Are you on Twitter?

No.  My resident stuffed friend from the arctic is, though.  He'd love more followers!  @MrBear339.


Do you work in your pajamas?

Sometimes!  It's one of the major perks of my employee benefits package... along with unlimited Diet Dr. Pepper.

gallery egg


You found the easter egg.  You are mondo cool.